Digimon Cards with Barcodes

The latest Japanese Digimon Cards have a Barcode on them. They can be scanned by the D-Scanner to get the corresponding Digimon or Item. This section will provide a little background information on the cards with a Barcode and the Digimon Link System Symbol (The Blue D) on them. Newer cards might not have the DLS but they are still card barcodes and may be version specific. If the card has the:

Getting Digimon Cards:
Unless you live in Japan, you may find that getting Digimon Cards with Barcodes may be a long process that's not worth the time & the money. Therefore, you might want to take it upon yourself to print a card scan from the Digimon Pictorial Album (link is below). However, the Barcode is difficult to scan so before printing, one might consider the following.

The link to the Digimon Pictorial Album with the Digimon Card Scans is here: http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Toys/1116/index.html

Just for fun, you can also go to the Barcode Server: http://www.milk.com/barcode/
...And input twelve or thirteen random numbers, and clicking on GO, then printing the Barcode and see what you acquired. Note that the Barcode must be enlarged before being Printed and Scanned.