Name   Effect
Plugin V AP 10% Up.
Plugin K AP 20% Up.
Plugin F HP 10% Up.
Plugin G HP 20% Up.
Plugin H SP 10% Up.
Plugin T SP 20% Up.
A AP Up The effect of V/K Plugins are cancelled when Enemy uses it.
A HP Up The effect of F/G Plugins are cancelled when Enemy uses it.
A SP Up The effect of H/T Plugins are cancelled when Enemy uses it.
Double EXE Doubles your AP.
Triple EXE Triples your AP.
Hyper EXE Makes all hits Hyper Hits.
Power Booster Raises AP/HP/SP.
Hit Lock Reduces your opponents attacks to normal hits.
Gambler Changes stats to; HP/SP = 1, and AP = 99
Va Modify Changes Digimon type to Vaccine
Da Modify Changes Digimon type to Data
Vi Modify Changes Digimon type to Virus
A Change The effect of Va/Da/Vi Modify is cancelled when Enemy uses it.
Eraser Enemy Disappears on Loss
A Eraser The effect of Eraser is cancelled when Enemy uses it.
Eraser Lock Your Digimon doesn't disappear if you lose by Critical Hit.
Protector When you lose, your Digimon doesn't get infected.
Low Worm After each attack, your Enemy gets automatically hurt.
SDP Down Your enemy's SDP lowers by 50 after the battle.
Power Charger You can charge 10 SP
Super Charger You can charge 20 SP
Summon Cube According to the amount of Scan-Power, you will get a different Digimon to fight with.
Cure Box Heals infected Digimon and can be used outside a battle.