Pendulum X 1.0/1.5
About 1 hour after being born by Digitama, it evolves into Baby 2. Check status often.
From Dodomon with no conditions
Agumon X:
From Dorimon
- Train 9 times or less.
From Dorimon
- Train 10 times or more.
Greymon X:
From Agumon X/Dorumon
- Four or less care mistakes.
- Feed a "Meat-L" 1-time or more.
Special Conditions:
- Few care mistakes. Seven battles and 15 training sessions.
- Few care Mistakes. Train 30 times or more.
- Two care mistakes before it sleeps at night with no training, and feeding it STR-MAX x2.
Raptordramon (1.0):
From Dorumon:
- Good chance of evolution if its the 2nd generation or more.
- One or less care mistake
- Feed STR-MAXx2.
Special Conditions:
From Agumon X:
- Zero battles, train 15 or more times at the 3rd generation. Feed STR-MAXx3.
From Dorumon:
- 83% Win Ratio and STR-MAX x3.
- 100% Win Ratio and STR-MAX x2, Sky Wing x2, Metal Rise x1, and CHO-Energy x2. and a Master Tag
- No care mistakes, train 40 times or more, 100% Win Ratio and about 32/32 battles. CHO-Energy x2 and master tag.
- No care mistakes, train 10 times, 100% Win Ratio and about 5/5 battles. Feed it STR-MAX x3.
- No care mistakes, train very little, 80% Win Ratio and STR-MAX x3.
- No care mistakes, train 50 times or more, Win Ratio 82% and about 13/16 and STR-MAXx3.
- Remember to take into account these requirements are meant for second generation Dorumon.
From Agumon X/Dorumon:
- Three or less care mistakes.
- One or more STR-MAX.
Special Conditions:
From Agumon X/Dorumon:
- Zero care mistakes and two STR-MAX ingestion
Death-X-Dorugamon (1.5):
From Agumon X/Dorumon:
- 2nd or 3rd Generation.
- One or less care mistakes
- "STR-MAX" 2 times or more.
Seadramon X:
From Agumon X/Dorumon:
- Four or less care mistakes
- One or more "Protein +".
Special Conditions:
From Agumon X:
- Three or more Aqua Orb.
- Few care mistakes, training 10 times or more, about five battles.
From Dorumon:
- Several care mistakes and CHO-Energy.
- No care mistakes and the Win Ratio of 1000% with about 2/2 battles, train 15 times or more, Feed STR-MAXx2, XAI level MAX.
Kuwagamon X:
From Agumon X/Dorumon:
- Nothing special, No Special food, a few care mistakes, training little.
MetalGreymon X:
Greymon X/Raptordramon (1.0)/Death-X-Dorugamon (1.5)
- Four or less care mistakes
- Battle 40 times or more.
- Feed Meat-L one or more times.
- Feed Metal Rise one or more times.
Special Conditions:
From Greymon X:
- No Care Mistakes, Win Ratio 70%, STR-MAX, Metal Rise, and a Sky Wing.
- Be defeated in battle once. Win Ratio 74%, STR-MAX x5, Metal Rise x7, Sky Wing x2, and CHO-Energy x6.
- Zero care mistakes, Win Ratio of 81% and about 38/47 battles. STR-MAXx12, Metal Rise x12, Sky Wing x8, CHO-Energy x9.
From Raptordramon (1.0)/Death-X-Dorugamon (1.5):
- Two care mistakes, Train 50 times, Win Ratio of 80% and about 72/91 battles, STR-MAX x10, Metal Rise x8, Zombie Meat x1, CHO-Energy x3, Aqua Orb x5, Forest Leaf x2, Sky Wing x2. Third Generation.
Grademon (1.0):
From Raptordramon (1.0)
- Win Ratio of 90% or more.
- Sky wing 2 times or more.
- Metal rise 2 times or more.
Special Requirements:
From Raptordramon:
- A second Generation Digimon when the first ended with Omegamon, Win Ratio 98% and about 40/41 battles.
- STR-MAXx3, CHO-Energy x2, Metal Rise x3, and Sky Wing x2.
From Greymon X/Raptordramon (1.0)/Death-X-Dorugamon (1.5)/Dorugamon/Kuwagamon X:
- Four or less care mistakes
- Win Ratio 70%.
- STR-MAX 2 or more times.
- Sky Wing 2 or more times.
Special Conditions:
From Kuwagamon X
- Add to the above-mentioned conditions and Battle 30 times with a Win Ratio 90%, STR-MAXx3, and CHO-Energy x3.
From Raptordramon (1.0)/Death-X-Dorugamon (1.5)
- No care mistakes and the Win Ratio 87% with about 20/23 battles, STR-MAXx3, and CHO-Energy x3.
JOGRESS: Greymon X (1.0/1.5) + Dorugamon (1.0/1.5) (NOTE: Both will become Dorugremon)
Death-X-Dorugremon (1.5):
From Death-X-Dorugamon:
- Two or less care mistakes
- 90% Win Ratio or higher.
- "Zombie Meat" 1-time or more.
- "D-poison" 2 times or more.
MegaSeadramon X:
From Raptordramon (1.0)/Death-X-Dorugamon (1.5)/Dorugamon/Seadramon X/Kuwagamon X:
- Battle 30 or more times.
- Two or more Aqua Orb
- One or more "Protein +.
Special Conditions:
From Kuwagamon X:
- Four or more care mistakes.
- Win Ratio of 70%.
- Five or more STR-MAX and three or more CHO-Energy, a Metal Rise, and Aqua Orb (a few).
- STR-MAX x5, a Metal Rise, Aqua Orb, CHO-Energy x3, Sky Wing x2. Train 40 times or more with a Win Ratio of 89^% with about 87/98 battles
From Dorugamon
- Five care mistakes or more.
From Seadramon X
- No care mistakes. A few Metal Rise. Train frequently. Win Ration of 70%.
- Aqua Orb x5, CHO-Energy x5, and Metal Rise x5.
JOGRESS: Raptordramon X (1.0) + Seadramon X (1.0/1.5) (NOTE: Both will become MegaSeadramon X)
JOGRESS: Death-X-Dorugamon (1.0) + Seadramon X (1.0/1.5) (NOTE: Both will become MegaSeadramon X)
Okuwamon X:
From All Adult Digimon:
From Greymon X:
- Few care mistakes. Perhaps STR-MAX + Metal Rise will also affect evolution.
From Dorugamon:
- Feed three or more Aqua Orb.
From Seadramon X:
- Few care mistakes. Win Ratio or about 77%.
- Several care mistakes. Win Ratio of 80% from 30 or more battles. Train little.
- No care mistakes, with a Win Ratio of 93%% and about 58/63 battles. OR a Win Ratio of 93% with STR-MAXx3, Aqua Orb x8, Sky Wing x2, Metal Rise x6, CHO-Energy x5, XAI-level MAX, and being an "Ar type".
From Kuwagamon X:
- Not too many care mistakes. 48% Win ratio.
- Sky wing x2 and STR-MAXx2 at the age of two,
- Train and feed regularly. About 40 battles and training with no special food.
From Raptordramon (1.0)/Death-X-Dorugamon (1.5)
- They are those with an evolution report at slight training mistake numerousness.
- Four training mistakes or more, 80% of percentages of victories, sky wing x3, STR-MAXx3, CHO-Energy x1 ingestion. They are those with an evolution report at the X-level MAX.
WarGreymon X (1.0):
From MetalGreymon X/Grademon/MegaSeadramon X
- Three or less care mistakes
- 80% Win Ratio
- Artificial type
- Meat-L 5 times or more.
- Metal rise 3 times or more.
- CHO-Energy 2 times or more.
Special Conditions
From MetalGreymon X:
- Zero Care Mistakes, Win ratio of 81% (120 Battles), STR-MAX x4, CHO-Energy x9, Metal Rise x8.
- STR-MAX x4, Metal Rise x9, and CHO-Energy x10. 60 battles with 92% Win Ratio. (60 battles specifically are important).
From Megaseadramon X:
- Give CHO-Energy x4, a Sky Wing, a Metal Rise, STR-MAX x3. Few care mistakes. 80% Win Ratio or more, and the number of battle is 103 times.
Gaioumon (1.5):
From Death-X-Dorugremon
- Three or less care mistakes
- 80% Win Ratio or higher.
- X-type is Ar (artificial).
- Meat-L 5 times or more.
- Metal rise 3 times or more.
- CHO-Energy 2 times or more.
Alphamon (1.0):
From Grademon:
- Zero care mistakes.
- 150 Battles or more.
- 80% Win Ratio or more.
- A type is Ar.
- "CHO-Energy" 5 times or more.
Special Conditions:
JOGRESS: Grademon (1.0) + MegaSeadramon X (1.0/1.5) (NOTE: Grademon will become Alphamon and MegaSeadramon X will become GigaSeadramon)
Grademon (1.0)/Death-X-Dorugremon (1.5)/Dorugremon
- Two or less care mistakes
- 80% Win Ratio or more.
- Artificial type.
- STR-MAX/Sky wing/CHO-Energy 3 times or more each.
Special Conditions:
From Dorugremon:
- Few Care Mistakes. Amount of battles about 128/147 with Win Ratio of 88%. STR-MAX x5, Aqua Orb x1, Metal Rise x7, Sky wing x6, Zombie Meat x3, and CHO-Energy x4. First generation. Max XAI-level with Ar type at the age of six.
- No Care Mistakes. Amount of battles about 51/63 and Win Ratio of 81%, Three of each of STR-MAX, Sky Wing, Metal Rise, and CHO-Energy.
From Grademon:
- Amount of battles 53/58 with a Win Ratio of 92% and STR-MAXx3, Sky Wing x3, CHO-Energy x2.
JOGRESS: Okuwamon X (1.0/1.5) + Dorugremon (NOTE: Both will become DoruGoramon)
Death-X-Dorugoramon (1.5):
From Death-X-Dorugremon:
- No care mistakes.
- Battle 150 times or more.
- 80% Win Ratio or higher.
- Artificial type.
- Zombie Meat 3 times or more.
- "CHO-Energy" 2 times or more.
Special Conditions:
JOGRESS: Death-X-Dorugremon (1.5) + MegaSeadramon X (1.0/1.5) (NOTE: Death-X-Dorugremon will become Death-X-Dorugoramon and MegaSeadramon X will become GigaSeadramon)
All Perfect Digimon:
- 100 battles or more.
- Win Ratio of 70% or more.
- Aqua Orb 2 times or more.
- Metal rise 2 times or more.
- CHO-Energy 2 times or more.
Special Conditions:
From MetalGreymon X:
- Zero Care mistakes. Win Ratio of 76% with about 176/220 battles. STR-MAX x7, Aqua Orb x5, CHO-Energy x8, Metal Rise x4, and Sky Wing x3. And the possibility that evolution might include one D-poison.
- Zero Care Mistakes. Win Ratio of 76%.
From Dorugremon:
- Win Ratio of 80% and about 172/217 battles. STR-MAX x3, Aqua Orb x6-7, Metal Rise x5-6, CHO-Energy x6-7, Sky Wing x3 and ZOMBIE Meat x1.
- Two care mistakes. About 190/222 battles. STR-MAX x7, Metal Rise x7, Sky Wing x7, CHO-Energy x6, Aqua Orb x6.
From MegaSeadramon X:
- Win Ratio of 81% and 114/142 battles. Metal Rise x14, Sky Wing x4, Aqua Orb x2, and CHO-Energy x8, STR-MAXx12.
- Take in a CHO-Energy, a Metal Rise, STR-MMAX, and a Sky Wing each x3. Win Ratio of 73%.
- Win Ratio of 73% and 103/142 three or more STR-MAX, a Metal Rise, Aqua Orb, and CHO-Energy. Two care mistakes.
JOGRESS: MegaSeadramon X (1.0/1.5) + Grademon (1.0) (NOTE: MegaSeadramon X will become GigaSeadramon and Grademon will become Alphamon)
JOGRESS: MegaSeadramon X (1.0/1.5) + Death-X-Dorugremon (1.5) (NOTE: MegaSeadramon X will become GigaSeadramon and Death-X-Dorugremon will become Death-X-Dorugoramon)
From Okuwamon X:
- 19 care mistakes or more.
- 40% or more Win Ratio.
- Being a Third generation Digimon.
From all other Perfect Level Digimon
- If it recovers 10 times from a dying condition prior to evolving into an Ultimate Digimon it will evolve unconditionally.
Special Conditions:
From MetalGreymon X, Dorugoramon, MegaSeadramon X, Okuwamon X
- If your Digimon has a Dying Condition after being injured in battle, the possibility to do an X-Cast successfully may result in evolution
JOGRESS: Okuwamon X (1.0/1.5) + Triceramon X (2.0) (Note: Okuwamon X will become GrandisKuwagamon and Triceramon will become UltimateBrachimon)
JOGRESS: Okuwamon X (1.0/1.5) + Alphamon (3.0) (Note: Okuwamon X will become GrandisKuwagamon and Alphamon will become TigerVespamon)
Omegamon X:
From WarGreymon X (1.0), Gaioumon (1.5)
- Feed a Master Tag.
Special Conditions:
JOGRESS: Alphamon (1.0) + DinoTigemon (2.0) (Note: Alphamon will become Omegamon X and DinoTigemon will become Dukemon X)
JOGRESS: Death-X-Dorugoramon (1.5) + DinoTigemon (3.0) (Note: Death-X-Dorugoramon will become Omegamon X and DinoTigemon will become Dukemon X)
For reference:
- When your Digimon has a low XAI it could refuse items, so be careful when feeding it rare items cause if it refuses the item you will loose one of that item.
- If you attempt an unsuccessful Jogress then the Strength of your Digimon will become Zero.
- On the Pen X 1.0 a Super Hit from any Digimon will take all 6 bars of health, instant kill. However on the Pen X 1.5/2.0/3.0 it will only a Super hit from a Digimon of a higher level will take all 6 bars, if the same or lower level it'll only remove 4 bars of health.
- If your Digimon cries out for no reason, Strength and Hunger is full, it is because of a Battle Cry. You must take your Digimon onto the Map and defeat one of more Digimon. It had a lust for Battle. Not responding does count as a "call".
- A Call is when your Digimon cries out and it goes out by itself. Your Digimon will only do this when its hearts run out or it gets sick/dying. It will also do this when its time to turn out the lights.
- A Sleep Disturbance is waking it up during its sleep; this is also counted as a call.
- If you attempt an unsuccessful Jogress then the Strength of your Digimon will become Zero.
- Item Gathering: On the 1.5 and 2.0 you do not have to fight the Map bosses, you can use this opportunity to gather items without battling.
- BLAST EVOLUTION: On the Pendulum X 3.0 there is Blast Evolution, which temporarily evolves your Digimon one or two levels for the duration of the attack. Evolving the once (Orange Light) gives you the advantage of killing your opponent with a Super Hit in one shot if it is the same level as you. Evolving twice (Green light) with full hunger and XAI level increases your chances of victory by 70%. If your Digimon battles 100 times you will Blast Evolve every time.