10X 20X

Items in the 10X


Dragon Insect/Plants
Beast Holy
Water Dark
Bird Machine/Mutant

Food Items

Meat Stomach +1, Weight +1.
Meat-L Stomach +4, Weight +4.
Cold Medicine Heals sickness.
Ointment Heals wounds.
Level Reverse Reverse one level.
Hamburger Stomach +2, Weight +2, reliability up.
Digi-Gummy Stomach +2, Weight +2, special effects unknown.
R-Shinka Random evolution to Digimon of the next stage.
Reliability MAX Reliability MAX.
Weapon MAX Obtain all weapons.

Other Items

Afro Digimon walks around wearing an afro.
Crown Digimon walks around wearing a crown.
Sunglasses Digimon walks around wearing sunglasses.
Helmet Digimon walks around wearing a helmet.
Digi-Bedding Puts Digimon asleep and heals its sickness and wounds.
C'mon Switch Calls your Digimon to come.
Aura Digimon wears an aura.
Chaos-G Evolve to Chaosmon
Giga Lance Evolve to Darkdramon.
Marine Extract Evolve to MarineAngemon.
Professor's Hat Evolve to Dr. Agumon.
Legume Chip Evolve to TonosamaMamemon
Nightmare Ticket Battle Beelzebumon.
Nature Ticket Battle Spinomon.

Weapon Items

Dragon Sword Attack + 1pt when you are a Dragon type.
Beast Claw Attack + 1pt when you are a Beast type.
Water Drop Attack + 1pt when you are a Water type.
Fowl Tornado Attack + 1pt when you are a Bird type.
Metal Knuckle Attack + 1pt when you are a Machine/Mutant type.
Jungle Needle Attack + 1pt when you are a Insect/Plants type.
Holy Saint Attack + 1pt when you are a Holy type.
Dark Darkness Attack + 1pt when you are a Dark type.
Digi Cannon Attack + 1pt regardless of type.
Metal Armor Attack + 3pt regardless of type.
Silver Robe Attack + 1pt regardless of type.
Jungle ENIMISU Attack + 2pt when you are a Insect/Plants type.
Dark Destroy Attack + 2pt when you are a Dark type.
Metal Axe Attack + 2pt when you are a Machine/Mutant type.
Beast Blow Attack + 2pt when you are a Beast type.
Dragon Break Attack + 2pt when you are a Dragon type.
Water Cure Attack + 2pt when you are a Water type.
Fowl BURAIGA Attack + 2pt when you are a Bird type.
Holy Saber Attack + 2pt when you are a Holy type.
Special thanks to Omega EXE and WarpstarCardia for some of the LCD's.