Justice Genome Evil Genome Nature Genome Ultimate Genome

DNA Scanning - Ultimate Genome

Different variations of 1's and 0's will get you different DNA types. When you have a Tamer Level of 1, you will recieve between one and three of the first DNA item for each scan. Level of 2 gives you between one and three of each of the first 2 DNA items, and Level 3 gives between one and three of all 3 DNA items.

The codes refer to the Pattern Bar display. 0 = OFF/No Line; 1 = ON/Line
Central Switch = OFF (The white button in the middle of the Matrix Sensor)
For Example:
001100 = Sensor #3 and 4 ON.
100100 = Sensor #1 and 4 ON.
All codes have 1 for the 4th Digit.

000100Default (Unachievable)100100Dark DNA
000101Holy DNA100101Holy DNA
000110Machine/Mutant DNA100110Dark DNA
000111Dark DNA100111Machine/Mutant DNA
001100BATTLE101100Machine/Mutant DNA
001101Dark DNA101101Insect/Plants DNA
001110Holy DNA101110Machine/Mutant DNA
001111Holy DNA101111Holy DNA
010100Machine/Mutant DNA110100Insect/Plants DNA
010101Dragon DNA110101Dragon DNA
010110Holy DNA110110Dark DNA
010111Insect/Plants DNA110111Water DNA
011100Holy DNA111100Dragon DNA
011101Insect/Plants DNA111101Dark DNA
011110Insect/Plants DNA111110Machine/Mutant DNA
011111Dark DNA111111Beast DNA