Main Version 1 Version 2 Version 3

D-3 Version 1

V-mon: HP: 6, AP: 1, Mega hit: 6, 14, 23.
XV-mon (Get the Digimentals of Courage, Friendship, Love, and Purity) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 6, 23.
Paildramon (Jogress XV-mon with Stingmon in the Version1 D-3) - HP: 12, AP: 3, Mega hit: 6, 23.
Imperialdramon (Jogress Paildramon with MetalGreymon on the Tag Tamers, or D-1 Tamers WonderSwan game) - HP: 14, AP: 3, Mega hit: 6, 23.
Fladramon (Digimental of Courage) - HP: 10, AP 2, Mega hit: 6, 23.
Lighdramon (Digimental of Friendship) - HP: 9, AP 2, Mega hit: 6, 23.
Magnamon (Digimental of Miracles) - HP: 13, AP 2, Mega hit: 6, 23.
Setmon (Digimental of Love) - HP: 9, AP 2, Mega hit: 6, 23.
Yashamon (Digimental of Purity) HP: 9, AP 2, Mega hit: 6, 23.
Honeybeemon (Digimental of Knowledge) - HP: 9, AP 2, Mega hit: 6, 23.
Depthmon (Digimental of Sincerity) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 6, 23.
Sagittarimon (Digimental of Hope) - HP: 9, AP 2, Mega hit: 6, 23.
Gargomon (Digimental of Light) - HP: 9, AP 2, Mega hit: 6, 23.
Kangaroomon (Digimental of Kindness) - HP: 9, AP 2, Mega hit: 6, 23.

Wormmon - HP: 5, AP: 1, Mega hit: 5, 23.
Stingmon (Get the Digimentals of Courage, Friendship, Love, and Sincerity) - HP: 10, AP: 2, Mega hit: 5, 23.
Dinobeemon (Jogress Stingmon with XV-mon in the Version1 D-3) - HP: 11, AP: 3, Mega hit: 5, 23.
GranKuwagamon (Jogress Dinobeemon with AtlurKabuterimon on the Tag Tamers, or D-1 Tamers WonderSwan game) - HP: 13, AP: 3, Mega hit: 5, 23.
Shadramon (Digimental of Courage) - HP: 8, AP: 2, Mega hit: 5, 23.
Togemogumon (Digimental of Friendship) - HP: 8, AP: 2, Mega hit: 5, 23.
Kongoumon (Digimental of Miracles) - HP: 12, AP: 3, Mega hit: 5, 23.
Owlmon (Digimental of Love) - HP: 8, AP: 2, Mega hit: 5, 23.
Nohemon (Digimental of Purity) - HP: 8, AP: 2, Mega hit: 5, 23.
Searchmon (Digimental of Knowledge) - HP: 8, AP: 2, Mega hit: 5, 23.
Archelomon (Digimental of Sincerity) - HP: 8, AP: 2, Mega hit: 5, 23.
Bullmon (Digimental of Hope) - HP: 8, AP: 2, Mega hit: 5, 23.
Coatlmon (Digimental of Light) - HP: 8, AP: 2, Mega hit: 5, 23.
Puttimon (Digimental of Kindness) - HP: 8, AP: 2, Mega hit: 5, 23.

Enemy Digimon:
Area 01: PicoDevimon, ToyAgumon, Tyranomon, Unimon, and Tuskmon.
Boss: BlackWarGreymon - HP: 11, AP: 2, Mega hit: 5
Area 02: Cyclomon, Deltamon, Monochromon, Tyranomon, Unimon and Tuskmon.
Boss: Deathmon - HP: 13, AP: 3, Mega hit: 5
Area 03: Cyclomon, Deltamon, Monochromon, Tortomon, and DarkTyranomon
Boss: Crossmon - HP: 14, AP: 5, Mega hit: 4

Secret Digimon:
Area 01: Zhuqiaomon, HP: 12, AP: 3
Area 02: Xuanwumon, HP: 12, AP: 3
Area 03: Qinglongmon, HP: 13, AP: 3

NOTE: there is a rare version of the Version 1 D-3 called the V-mon Version. It was a limited edition release with a few small changes. The Changes are here below.

Changed Boss Digimon:
Area 01: BlackWarGreymon becomes Imperialdramon followed by Imperialdramon Fighter Mode
Area 02: Deathmon becomes Antiramon followed by Cheribimon (Virus)
Area 03: Crossmon becomes Rapidmon (Armor)

Changed Secret Digimon:
Area 01: Zhuqiaomon becomes Volcamon.
Area 02: Xuanwumon becomes Mamemon.
Area 03: Qinglongmon becomes Archnemon.

For reference:

  1. If you clear all Area's within 130,000 steps or less, the Boss Digimon and others will become available to join your party.
  2. Digimentals can be gained through the methods described.
  3. Adult Digimon can only be gained by getting 4 specific Digimentals.
  4. Perfect Digimon require a Jogress with another D-3 of the same version.
  5. Ultimate Digimon require a Jogress with specific Digimon from the WonderSwan games; Tag Tamers or D-1 Tamers.
  6. The Secret Digimon appear randomly in the designated area.