D-3 Version 3
Armadimon - HP: 5, AP: 1, Mega hit: 11, 23
Ankylomon (Get the Digimentals of Purity, Knowledge, Sincerity, and Kindness) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 11, 23
Shakkoumon (Jogress Ankylomon with Angemon in the Version3 D-3) - HP: 11, AP: 3, Mega hit: 11, 23
Vikemon (Jogress Shakkoumon with Zudomon on the Tag Tamers, or D-1 Tamers WonderSwan game) - HP: 14, AP: 3, Mega hit: 11, 23
Boarmon (Digimental of Courage) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 11, 23
Sepikmon (Digimental of Friendship) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 11, 23
Elephamon (Digimental of Miracles) - HP: 13, AP: 3, Mega hit: 11, 23
Pteramon (Digimental of Love) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 11, 23
Frogmon (Digimental of Purity) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 11, 23
Digmon (Digimental of Knowledge) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 11, 23
Submarimon (Digimental of Sincerity) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 11, 23
Sheepmon (Digimental of Hope) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 11, 23
Seahomon (Digimental of Light) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 11, 23
Chamelemon (Digimental of Kindness) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 11, 23
Patamon line:
Patamon - HP: 5, AP: 1, Mega hit: 9, 23
Angemon (Get the Digimentals of Purity, Knowledge, Sincerity, and Kindness) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 9, 23
HolyAngemon (Jogress Angemon and Ankylomon in the Version3 D-3) - HP: 11, AP: 3, Mega hit: 9, 23
Seraphimon (Jogress HolyAngemon with WereGarurumon on the Tag Tamers, or D-1 Tamers WonderSwan game) - HP: 13, AP: 3, Mega hit: 9, 23
Baromon (Digimental of Courage) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 9, 23
Stegomon (Digimental of Friendship) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 9, 23
Rhinomon (Digimental of Miracles) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 9, 23
Pipismon (Digimental of Love) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 9, 23
Ponchomon (Digimental of Purity) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 9, 23
Mothmon (Digimental of Knowledge) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 9, 23
Mantaraymon (Digimental of Sincerity) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 9, 23
Pegasmon (Digimental of Hope) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 9, 23
Manbomon (Digimental of Light) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 9, 23
Prairiemon (Digimental of Kindness) - HP: 9, AP: 2, Mega hit: 9, 23
Enemy Digimon:
Area 01: Ganimon, Shakomon, Shellmon, Gesomon and Coelamon.
Boss: HiAndromon - HP: 11, AP: 3, Mega hit: 4
Area 02: Shellmon, Gesomon, Coelamon, Flymon, Ebidramon, and Seadramon.
Boss: Devitamamon - HP: 13, AP: 3, Mega hit: 11
Area 03: Flymon, Ebidramon, Seadramon, Octomon, and Snimon.
Boss: Pharaohmon - HP: 14, AP: 3, Mega hit: 23
Secret Digimon:
Area 01: Qinglongmon, HP: 12, AP: 3
Area 02: Baihumon, HP: 12, AP: 3
Area 03: Zhuqaiomon, HP: 13, AP: 3
For reference:
- If you clear all Area's within 130,000 steps or less, the Boss Digimon and others will become available to join your party.
- Digimentals can be gained through the methods described.
- Adult Digimon can only be gained by getting 4 specific Digimentals.
- Perfect Digimon require a Jogress with another D-3 of the same version.
- Ultimate Digimon require a Jogress with specific Digimon from the WonderSwan games; Tag Tamers or D-1 Tamers.
- The Secret Digimon appear randomly in the designated area.